Saturday 18 August 2012

Catching cardamom seeds in a paneer cheese cloth

Seven days into my month long adventure in Bangalore, I am making a big mistake. Like many other travelers, I jot down events and memories along the way so I can remember them years after. Or I share a bit about the day's events with my friends and families during a 20 minute Skype conversation. These descriptions are woefully inadequate.  Most conversations cover my day to day life. However, the part of the trip I cherish most is the details.

India overflows with small moments, smells and images that embody my growing understanding of this complex nation. Without being too hokey, the devil is not in the details here...the gems are in the details. 

Tragically, these details make boring conversation topics. Who wants to talk about buckets, bindi styles or drywall?  I do. But I need to change how I'm communicating these moments. Perhaps my first blog will draw you into the Indian details that I adore as well as my evolving view of the country.  

In exchange...write back. Help me stay at the right scale (ants not elephants) and ask questions incase I have not provided enough context. Posts might digress from time to time (forgive me in advance). Together, we will hunt for cardamom seeds within a paneer cheese cloth.

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