Monday 27 August 2012

Monsoon. No Wedding.

The monsoon is no joke. Sheets upon sheets of rain pummel Bangalore. Streets transform into rushing rapids within minutes.  Potholes become lakes of doom, trapping cars, scooters and tuk-tuks.  Even the cows struggle to take cover.

A properly equipped lady carries a wetsuit, rubber boots, and goggles in her purse. She would unquestionably have a private submarine driver at her disposal.  On Thursday night, Sasha and I learned that sandals, a folding umbrella, and 100 rupees (~$2) to hire a rickshaw driver do not suffice when battling India's elements.

After a lovely reunion dinner in central Bangalore with members of Stanford’s Global BioDesign Program, the sky opened up with immense fury. The regular supply of roving little yellow autos (aka. tuk-tuks, rickshaw, a metal bubble bolted onto 3 wheels and a lawnmower engine) vanished. Fortunately, the BioDesign team’s hired driver agreed to accommodate 8 people in his tiny automobile as long as we would not complain when he hotwired his ignition.

To understand the monsoon first hand, Sasha and I captured a mini vignette during the journey home.  Take note of local drivers’ hydroplaning skills as well as the water’s color and depth.

Sasha and I became intimate with the local aquatic flora and fauna when we had to travel the last block home on foot. Such ecological diversity.  While we were unable to capture footage of us leaping from curb to curb on our flooded street, we did tape our victorious arrival for your viewing pleasure.  Happy Monsoon Season!

Note: Incase you are having trouble seeing the videos, here are the links on YouTube:

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